*Message*of *Vasudeva* *Kuttumbkam* *spread* *by* **NCCHWO*J&K*


 1. Indian culture lays a lot of emphasis on conservation of Nature and sharing of resources with needy, treating world as an extended family. The NCCHWO charter also gives emphasis to help those who are Unseen and Unheard. 2. With this spirit of Service to Humanity, The NCCHWO National President for Women Empowerment Ms Pooja Malhotra decided to help poor and old needy persons,in coordination with Rotary Club Elite of Jammu. With COVID restrictions in mind , a programme was organised to help the Home Less and other poor people.

3. Taking a humble approach ,all the members made arrangements themselves and served meals to poor people ,with special emphasis on Homeless and destitute. To further ease out their struggle for day today existence, some raw ration was also given to 16 families. To meet emergencies connected with medicines and such like requirements, families were also helped with some cash. It was kept in mind that the needy people are served food and distributed ration in a dignified manner 5. Ms Meena Jaggi, a member of Rotary Club Elite ,Jammu was so impressed with the ethos of NCCHWO, that she also decided to join as a member. The J&K , NCCHWO team is committed to provide all help to the needy in future also, after identifying the poor and needy.

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