It is Delighted to inform you all that by gods grace our National Advisor Prof. Sanjay Rout have been Appointed as *University Chancellor* of Mahavideha University, Mexico from 2022-2023 Academic Session.
Mr. Rout is our Founder member and also a Doctor and Scienctist, also working many Companies is abroad and their Business Mentor.
Professor Doctor Sanjay Rout also, Global Advisor of NCCHWO. Has recently Appointed as Chancellor of MV University, Mexico for Different Global Campus on Research and Development (Academic Session 2022 onwards. He will charge of all global campus, Research and Development.
National Chief Secretary, Ranjeet Verma, National Chairman, Mr Deepak Sharma, National President, Mrs. Rekha Bhushan, National Advisory Secretary Brig Harcharan Singh and all NCCHWO family congratulate Mr. Rout on his achievement, Prof. Rout has dedicated this achievement to NCCHWO family, we have proud of him.