Bangalore. NCCHWO has taken lead in Karnataka to teach Self Defence Techniques to female students, as Part of Women Empowerment. Dr Vasantha has given leadership to the members to carryout various tasks related to Welfare of Society. He helped the Hospitals in COVID innoculation drive by placing Volunteers in various hospitals to help Hospital Authorities in crowd control. This effective crowd control helped the weak and elderly citizens to get COVID innoculation services in a smooth and orderly manner.Due to participation in various social welfare activities , name of Dr Vasantha is well known in Bangalore and often he is being approached by Citizens, to get help in various fields.
2. In a recent case , Mr Binu Kumar ,who is serving in Bangalore,started facing health issues ,since 3 May 2021. He could not approach any hospital due to Lock down . He is from Kerala and hardly knows anyone at Bangalore. As his health further started deteriorating due to COVID Dr Vasantha was contacted for help . To save the life of patient, there was an immediate requirement to administer Oxygen to the patient along with hospital admission. There is shortage of Ambulances and due to lockdown , special permission is required to drive vehicles in Bangalore. Dr Vasantha informed Bangalore Mahanagar Palika and through his liaison and connections , got sanction for movement of Ambulance.The next problem was non-availability of hospital Beds. Dr Vasantha activated his sources and managed to arrange hospital admission for Mr Binu Kumar in Hospital at Sakra, Bangalore.
4. Finally, Mr Binu was admitted to hospital on 8 May , but ventilator bed was not available.But, with hospitalization, the medication for COVID was started to stabilize the health condition of the patient Finally, on 9 May , the patient was able to get the bed with Ventilator facilities.
5. Due to criticality of hospital beds, sometimes patients can not be given hospital admission or medical treatment. Migrants also have disadvantage of not reaching out to the correct authorities to get the required help. The members of NCCHWO are coming forward to help the needy in various States/UTs. The initiative and selfless service of Dr Vasantha has saved the precious human life. Such examples are giving motivation to other members to serve their fellow citizens. The members of NCCHWO are very proudly helping various government agencies to carry out their task more effectively, so that our citizens are helped during crisis.
National Chief Secretary, President, Chairman, National Advisory Secretary CDC and all National Team praise the Dr Vasantha.