*We serve the Humanity: Brig Harcharan Singh, National Administrator*


*We Serve the Humanity*.            NCCHWO ,J&K chapter has  selected only those areas for rendering their  service, which remain untouched and unnoticed. Capt Ghar Singh is Secy in Veer Nari Cell. He suggested to start a new venture to serve tea and snacks to old Veterans who come to Polyclinic Jammu for Medical Consultation  . Some of them , from far of places ,have to start early from their villages , to reach Polyclinic in time. The project was approved by the State Head , Brig Harcharan Singh, VSM.  It is a

matter if pride to serve Veterans and Veer Naris , who have always given priority to the duty and the Country .  The authorities were approached for approval of the project.                                         2. The project  was supported by Col Ajay Raina ,SM .Meanwhile, other members also wanted to be part of this noble project.  Mrs Pooja Malhotra , Mr Parikshit Gupta and Mr Ankur Gupta gave consent for  their contributions. Mr Giat Nandan Jain celebrated Birthday of his grandson in the most befitting method ,by contributing for  this project.               

3. The project has given opportunity to the members to pay gratitute to our Soldiers. It is for information that many members have adopted the families of Veer Naris,to connect with families of those Martyres, *Who* *Gave* *their* *Today* *for* *our* *Tomarrow*. More such kind of  programmes will be undertaken by the NGO to connect citizens with  the soldiers, as a mark of respect for the real heros of the Country.

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  1. A noble cause. If everyone does one's bit, this earth will become a better place to live
