1. A government job in any field gives a tremendous sense of social security. Some of the government servants want to serve the serve the humanity, outside the scope of their duty. We all get motivated from the examples of likes of Mother Treassa , who act as role model for the social workers.
2. To further serve the humanity and guide more people towards Social Work ,Dr Jagannath Hati ,presently serving in Medical Deptt of Odissa , decided to join NCCHWO. He has been serving the poor and destitute, right from his student days. As a senior doctor, he was in-charge of COVID ward during the pandemic. He came across dedicated
volunteers of NCCHWO , who were serving the needy patients even during the peak of the pandemic, which motivated him to join NCCHWO . Keeping his qualification and experience in mind, he has been appointed as State President( Medical Cell) if Odissa. The whole Central Leadership has imposed full faith in his abilities to organize Medical related Projects in Odissa ,with special emphasis on supporting the government in COVID related programmes.