In many women's societies, tribal, uneducated, and senior citizens have been referred to Dr. Channegauda UC is convincing.
Information about the ever increasing population in Bengaluru is one way to beat the maximum number of people in the vaccination corona and how to secure the benefits of rural communities, many women's societies, tribals, uneducated and senior citizens over the age of 45 from all over the city They are convincing in many areas of development.
Vaccination is very important in the corona, as well as a face mask with social gaps, two times according to government table minimum gap of 30 days
To combat Kovid, the NCCHWO team, in Bangalore and rural areas, said that cleanliness is the only way to keep the environment clean. Dr. Vasanth Poovaiah . NCC&Hwo. State President,Dr. Channegawda UC Chief officer Karnataka & All Team is doing this with the NCCHWO.
National Chief Secretary, President, Chairman, National Advisory Secretary and all National Team praise Karnataka team under the dynamic leadership of Mr Vasantha.